LUKE 4 | Doug Ross (AKA DJ Kubiks)
Doug Ross " Where live music lives "
Doug Ross also owns his own coffee company called Square House Coffee.
LIfe is busy! Are you busy? You don’t need to answer. I know the answer is yes. We are all busy. So often in life I hear people say "I'm too busy", "I don't have time", "Got so much on my plate", "I just can't fit you in", etc. We are busy with work and kids and sports and church and hobbies and and and and… We certainly don’t have any space left for personal time with God. We couldn’t possibly start our morning in prayer and study. Oh, sure, out of guilt, we might throw a quick “just checking in” prayer, “Dear God, thanks for the day, watch over the kids, help me with this and that, love You, speak soon.”
Look at the verses here in Luke 4. Here was one example of the typical day for Jesus:
Luke 4:31 - Jesus was traveling
Luke 4:31 - Jesus was preaching
Luke 4:33 - Jesus threw out a few evil spirits
Luke 4:34 - Jesus, for His reasons, tells the spirits to be quiet. (Multi-tasking haha)
Luke 4:38 - Jesus leaves to go heal Simon’s mother-in-law
Luke 4:40 - Don’t miss this one… The sun was setting, Jesus had just put in a full day. It was time to relax. But then it says that the people brought all who had various sicknesses, and he healed them all. He did not do a sweeping prayer across the whole crowd, but took the time to lay hand on each one and heal them individually.
Luke 4:41 - More demons to deal with.
Luke 4:42 - Jesus tires to break away to a solitary place, but the people found him and tried to keep him from leaving.
Luke 4:43 - Jesus moves on to the next day to start all over.
Sounds like a busy day. Sounds like a demanding day. People needing Him from all directions, pulling, asking, and following. All the while he is trying to help, he has the evil spirits to deal with who are trying to sabotage His work. This was His life, day after day. But it was not the whole story. Take a look at Luke 4:42 - Jesus went to a solitary place to pray. (Also in Luke 5:16 - But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed, as well as Luke 6:12 - Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and spent the night.)