Keeley “Lockn’Key” Kaukimoce
Devotional by Keeley “Lockn’Key” Kaukimoce
Simply put. The word of God is a love letter that guides us in safety, love, protection,
covering and into all abundance. I see God’s heart majorly in Proverbs 7.
This is a reoccurring theme throughout the entire bible. Choose life, not death.
Choose the eternal, not the temporary. Do not test God unwisely. In all your ways
acknowledge Him and heed His words.
The world and all of its temporary distractions and beauty is fading away. Your
choices affect your quality of earthy and eternal existence. Will you choose a
temporary satisfaction the will have negative, eternal implications? Or will you
choose God in all of your ways? Will He be your root?
God says here in Proverbs 7:1-2 to TREASURE His commands WITHIN, KEEP His
law as the APPLE OF YOUR EYE. For me personally, this requires an intimate love of
God. A love that sees God above all else, one that KNOWS His heart and knows His
spirit as a person. He is the great and mighty God who loves in a way that we
haven’t fully comprehended yet. At least not yet in the flesh... It’s bigger than this..
Get to know Him on a deeper, more personal level and LIVE in that space.
In that space you will see the deception that flaunts itself as truth; that tries to lure
you in only to kill your destiny and your spirit. In the space of living in His presence
you will grow to love His commands. They lead to life and life more abundant.
No temporary earthly pleasure is greater than the eternal life and unconditional
love that He is.
Not a one.
Don’t trade truth, life and wisdom in for folly, deception and death.
He loves you.