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LUKE 12 | Sierra Fellers

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Luke 12: Read or Listen

So here's my short devotional story of Luke 12. I hope it's not boring.

It starts with Jesus giving a warning so right.

Beware and stay clear of the hypocrites, they're not legit or tight,

all their secrets in the dark will shine bright by the morning light. 

And all their wrongs will be shouted from the rooftops at night. 

Delight in The Lord and don't fear people who want to end your life. 

They can only take your body, not your soul. 

If we fear anything it should be The Lord cause He can send you to the opposite of the North Pole. 

That's right, I'm talking about the burning hellhole. 

But God wants to love us in this life instead.

He loves us so much he even knows every hair on our heads. 

And if you acknowledge God in this land,

the Son of Man will take your hand, have your back before the Lord in the promised land. 

But if you willingly deny the Son of Man, who's alive,

He'll say He doesn't know us to God, like you're being cool guyed. 

If we're brought to the courts for our beliefs

in The Lord.

Don't worry about what to speak with those things between your cheeks.

Cause The Lord will put the words in your mouth that you need to speak.


Now people don't fill your hearts with greed

for the things you don't have and think you need.

Real life isn't measured by the things we own and have under our feet. 

Here's a story of a rich man with fine crops, barley and wheat. He had so much that his barns were overflowing like a stadium with sold out seats.

So he said, "I'll tear down my storage and build bigger ones for my different crops and wheat.

And I'll sit in my seat, take it easy, eat and drink with my crops to last me till I can't stand on my own two feet."

The Lord said, "You fool! You're incomplete.

You're gonna die tonight and then who will get all these earthly treasures that you've reaped?

What good is having things we can lose from underneath our feet,

when a rich relationship with God is what we truly need?"

Money and possessions won't get you into Heaven.

Life is far more than drinks and leaven.

God feeds the ravens, He loves us way more than some birds.

He's got our back on the day to day, it says so in his Word.

So we don't need to worry about the things of this Earth.

They don't add time to this life.

To worry is to replace joy with strife.

So don't worry about what you need, what to drink or eat.

Because God will provide all we need till we're six feet deep.


Then our souls will be in Heaven sitting in the glory seat next to the King of Kings. 

So to the needy and poor, you should give your things.

Store up your treasures in Heaven, that's what I believe.

Because where we store our treasures, that's where our heart and thoughts will be. 


Now I know that's only half the chapter, but that's what stands out to me most in Luke 12. There have been so many times that I've put my time and energy into worrying about things I really don't need. However, I've realized that if you put your trust and faith in God, He'll take care of us with everything in this life. 

So I encourage you, when you're going through a hard time or are focusing all your time to get things in this insane world., it's  best if you give it to The Lord and seek Him and what He truly wants for your life. Just speaking out loud telling God that you're giving him all your worries and problems helps. He'll take every burden we have, but we have to give him the stuff in our life for Him to take it from us.

I believe that God will give us the desires of our heart, and you can use those desires to help and encourage others. And when that happens in your life, it brings so much peace.

"I know from experience dude! If you know what I mean?" - Chris Farley haha

Sierra Fellers

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