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19:20-21 Listen to counsel and receive instruction, That you may be wise in your latter days. 21 There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel - that will stand. The greatest ways I receive counsel and instruction are though God’s word and personal journaling. And... through spiritual fathers/mentors. I often reflect on my past with the Lord through journaling. He has brought incredible people into my life. I’m so grateful for all the wise spiritual fathers/mentors who have given me counsel. They have helped me make some of the biggest decisions of my life, walked with me though pain, suffering, and grief and empowered me to serve in ministry. I’m 31 years old now, and I have traveled the world for Jesus. I have almost a dozen journals now complied of all my missionary journeys. Every nation I stepped foot in , I was able to bring the gospel to the bboy communities there. “That you may be wise in your latter days”. I now look back at all my strategies on how I planned to plant churches among the bboys. I saw my failures and successes. Nine years of church planting. Several churches planted and hundreds of names recorded in my book many of them who were saved, baptized, and lead their friends to the Lord. “There are many plans in a mans heart”. There are so many dates and plans where I wrote that the Lord would get ready to send me to a new nation. Then He would do it! Many times I would ask permission from my spiritual fathers if I could Go and they would always say, “Ben, it’s so evident that the Lord is on this! Go reach the bboys! I leave you with this, record the promises of the Lord and watch him fulfill them. Always have some kind of spiritual leader in your life who can give you counsel and support you to answer your calling. God Bless, bboy Enoch.

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